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Very excited to announce that our real-time alerting system for infectious diseases, specifically COVID-19, and other stress events paper is now published in Nature Medicine:

Thank you to all the thousands of participants for sharing their wearable and daily surveys data with us. Thanks to all my colleagues and co-authors. Special thanks to Amir BahmaniGireesh BoguMeng Wang, Ekanath Srihari Rangan, Andrew Brooks, Ph.D.Qiwen WangAlessandra Celli, Rajat Bhasin, Amir AlaviKexin ChaXiao Li, and Michael Snyder.

Also thank you to Google Cloud Platform (#gcpcloud), Amazon Web Service (#awscloud), and Fitbit (#fitbit) teams for their support and collaboration with this large-scale project.

We present the first scalable, secure, and lightweight real-time alerting system for online detection of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19 using wearables data. We built the system on top our Personal Health Dashboard platform ( It can also detect other stress events not associated with infection, such as work stress, travel, entertainment, or vaccination. 

Our team at Stanford Deep Data Research Computing Center ( is prepared to hire candidates who have strong research motivation. Please check out our projects and available positions.

#digitalhealth#wearables#infectiousdiseases#covid19#covid19researchReal-time alerting system for COVID-19 and other stress events using wearable data – Nature Medicine

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